개미 Ants
정영돈 Youngdon Jung
64pages / 184x234mm
Design: 이경수(워크룸) Kyeongsoo Lee (workroom)
Printing: 인타임 Intime
Translated by 우정은(Jeongeun Woo)
ISBN 978-89-94027-54-8
Price: 25,000KRW / 더 북 소사이어티 온라인
이 책의 사진들은 작가가 아파트 꼭대기 층에 거주하며 베란다에서 관찰한 풍경을 담은 것으로, 1000mm
망원렌즈에 비춰지는 주변의 풍경을 3200감도의 흑백 필름에 담아 연작으로 구성하였다.
This book is the artist book ‘Ants’ by Youngdon Jung. Living in the top floor apartment and that containing the observed landscape from the terrace, which is projected onto surrounding landscape with 1000mm telephoto lens and black and white film of 3200 ASA.
다양한 인간들이 한 공간 안에서 만들어내는 운율. 고층 아파트 꼭대기에서 볼 수 있는 풍경이다. 높은 곳에서 바라본 인간들은 각자의 차림새와 보폭으로 움직이고 있다. 그런 그들의 움직임을 관찰하다 반복적인 패턴을 갖고 있음을 알게 되었다. 크게는 다양한 군중들의 모임과 흩어짐이 있고, 좀 더 세밀하게는 그 각자의 신체가 내뿜는 집중과 분산의 이미지가 있다. 그 이미지가 드러내는 것은 군중들의 삶과 몸체의 방향성이다. 그러나 물기가 사라지면 어딘가로 뿔뿔이 흩어지고 마는 흙처럼, 그들의 움직임도 하나의 분명한 윤곽으로 잡히지는 않는다.
찍는 순간 눈앞에서 사라져버리는 이미지들은 한 장의 사진 속에서 간신히 손에 쥔 흙덩어리처럼 뭉쳐져 있다. 사진이란 프레임이 사라진다면 이 이미지의 입자들은 금새 다른 곳으로 흩어져버릴 것이다. 그렇다면 저 이미지의 알갱이들은, 또 어느 곳에서 어떠한 이미지의 운율을 만들어 낼 것인가.
The rhythm made by all diff erent human beings in the same space. This is the scenery which we can see at the top of a high-rise apartment. Every people seen form there move in their own clothes and steps. I catched particular patterns from it. There is a gathering and scattering of diverse crowds at large and there is also an image of concentration and dispersion from their own bodies in detail. That images show the people’s lives and the direction of their bodies. However, like soil which scatters away when it becomes dry, the movements of people are also hard to form a clear outline.
The image which disappears from our sight as soon as we take is crumpled like a clod of dirt in our hands. If the frame, the photo, disappears the particle, a lot of images would be scattered in all directions. Then where can the particle make and what rhythm of images it can make ?
중앙대학교 사진학과를 졸업했으며, 동대학원 조형예술학과 순수사진전공에 재학 중이다. 2014년 토탈미술관 - 프로젝트 스페이스 더 룸에서 로 첫 번째 개인전을 개최했으며, 단체전은 2012년 를 시작으로 20여회 참여했다. 개인작업 이외에도 ‘무진형제’로도 활동하고 있다.
Youngdon Jung was born in Seoul, Korea. He graduated from the photography department of Chung-Ang University and is presently participating in master classes at Graduate school of Chung-Ang University. He is interested in connecting people and places, understanding diverse cultures and exploring nature while further interpreting our daily lives. But he focus on the unified pattern which is usually seen in the daily life. And he give attention to the phenomenon that each individual is standardized in the society. To present these ideas, Jung usually uses the photography in various ways of dealing with time and space.
Since his first exhibition “Evocation; Ventilation” at the Total Museum For Contemporary Art - Project Space the Room, Jung has participated in several international group exhibitions and projects such as “Against Photography” (2015, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea), “Inner Color” (2014, Laznia Contemporary Art Center, Poland). In addition, Youngdon was part of the collective ‘Moojin Brothers’ focusing on media art works. They try to capture the story of someone who lights on the earth for a moment and disappears, the glittering life of someone to give the life a strange beating. In this group, Jung usually takes the role as cinematographer, but has also had the experience to explore other mediums.
Youngdon Jung has also shown media art works at “European Media Art Festival” (2016, Osnabrück, Germany), “16th International Cine A La Calle Short Film Festival” (2016, Barranquilla, Colombia) and was recently Selected the portfolio review 'PhotoIreland Festival 2015' and the Grand Prize of Glocal Contest at the '15th Seoul International New Media Festival'.
* 이 책은 PhotoIreland 2016(photoireland.org)의 개인전 관련하여 한국문화예술위원회 국제교류기금의 지원을 받아 만들어졌습니다.
정영돈 Youngdon Jung
64pages / 184x234mm
Design: 이경수(워크룸) Kyeongsoo Lee (workroom)
Printing: 인타임 Intime
Translated by 우정은(Jeongeun Woo)
ISBN 978-89-94027-54-8
Price: 25,000KRW / 더 북 소사이어티 온라인
이 책의 사진들은 작가가 아파트 꼭대기 층에 거주하며 베란다에서 관찰한 풍경을 담은 것으로, 1000mm
망원렌즈에 비춰지는 주변의 풍경을 3200감도의 흑백 필름에 담아 연작으로 구성하였다.
This book is the artist book ‘Ants’ by Youngdon Jung. Living in the top floor apartment and that containing the observed landscape from the terrace, which is projected onto surrounding landscape with 1000mm telephoto lens and black and white film of 3200 ASA.
다양한 인간들이 한 공간 안에서 만들어내는 운율. 고층 아파트 꼭대기에서 볼 수 있는 풍경이다. 높은 곳에서 바라본 인간들은 각자의 차림새와 보폭으로 움직이고 있다. 그런 그들의 움직임을 관찰하다 반복적인 패턴을 갖고 있음을 알게 되었다. 크게는 다양한 군중들의 모임과 흩어짐이 있고, 좀 더 세밀하게는 그 각자의 신체가 내뿜는 집중과 분산의 이미지가 있다. 그 이미지가 드러내는 것은 군중들의 삶과 몸체의 방향성이다. 그러나 물기가 사라지면 어딘가로 뿔뿔이 흩어지고 마는 흙처럼, 그들의 움직임도 하나의 분명한 윤곽으로 잡히지는 않는다.
찍는 순간 눈앞에서 사라져버리는 이미지들은 한 장의 사진 속에서 간신히 손에 쥔 흙덩어리처럼 뭉쳐져 있다. 사진이란 프레임이 사라진다면 이 이미지의 입자들은 금새 다른 곳으로 흩어져버릴 것이다. 그렇다면 저 이미지의 알갱이들은, 또 어느 곳에서 어떠한 이미지의 운율을 만들어 낼 것인가.
The rhythm made by all diff erent human beings in the same space. This is the scenery which we can see at the top of a high-rise apartment. Every people seen form there move in their own clothes and steps. I catched particular patterns from it. There is a gathering and scattering of diverse crowds at large and there is also an image of concentration and dispersion from their own bodies in detail. That images show the people’s lives and the direction of their bodies. However, like soil which scatters away when it becomes dry, the movements of people are also hard to form a clear outline.
The image which disappears from our sight as soon as we take is crumpled like a clod of dirt in our hands. If the frame, the photo, disappears the particle, a lot of images would be scattered in all directions. Then where can the particle make and what rhythm of images it can make ?
중앙대학교 사진학과를 졸업했으며, 동대학원 조형예술학과 순수사진전공에 재학 중이다. 2014년 토탈미술관 - 프로젝트 스페이스 더 룸에서 로 첫 번째 개인전을 개최했으며, 단체전은 2012년 를 시작으로 20여회 참여했다. 개인작업 이외에도 ‘무진형제’로도 활동하고 있다.
Youngdon Jung was born in Seoul, Korea. He graduated from the photography department of Chung-Ang University and is presently participating in master classes at Graduate school of Chung-Ang University. He is interested in connecting people and places, understanding diverse cultures and exploring nature while further interpreting our daily lives. But he focus on the unified pattern which is usually seen in the daily life. And he give attention to the phenomenon that each individual is standardized in the society. To present these ideas, Jung usually uses the photography in various ways of dealing with time and space.
Since his first exhibition “Evocation; Ventilation” at the Total Museum For Contemporary Art - Project Space the Room, Jung has participated in several international group exhibitions and projects such as “Against Photography” (2015, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea), “Inner Color” (2014, Laznia Contemporary Art Center, Poland). In addition, Youngdon was part of the collective ‘Moojin Brothers’ focusing on media art works. They try to capture the story of someone who lights on the earth for a moment and disappears, the glittering life of someone to give the life a strange beating. In this group, Jung usually takes the role as cinematographer, but has also had the experience to explore other mediums.
Youngdon Jung has also shown media art works at “European Media Art Festival” (2016, Osnabrück, Germany), “16th International Cine A La Calle Short Film Festival” (2016, Barranquilla, Colombia) and was recently Selected the portfolio review 'PhotoIreland Festival 2015' and the Grand Prize of Glocal Contest at the '15th Seoul International New Media Festival'.
* 이 책은 PhotoIreland 2016(photoireland.org)의 개인전 관련하여 한국문화예술위원회 국제교류기금의 지원을 받아 만들어졌습니다.