리딩룸은 오히려 공동의 무기고다.
여기서는 각자의, 그리고 또한 공통의 이론적/실천적 무기를 만들기 위한
독서와 논쟁, 협력과 불화만이 허용된다.
리딩룸의 참여자는 언제나 하나의 텍스트를 공유할 것이지만
각자의 관점, 경험, 배경, 방법의 이질성을 적극적으로 주장해야 한다.
그것이야말로 진정한 '우정'의 표지일 것이기 때문이다.

4월 10일부터 6월 26일까지
더북소사이어티 (상수동)
영문 독해가 가능한 분
(단 영문 독해가 가능하지 않은 분들이 참여하실 경우, 텍스트 일부가 조정될 수도 있음)
Reading Schedule
1회 (4/10)
- Hal Foster, “Contemporary Extracts” (from OCTOBER 2009, fall Questionnaire on Contemporary), e-flux Journal, What Is Contemporary Art?
- Hans Ulrich Orbist, “Manifesto for Future”, e-flux Journal, What Is Contemporary Art?
- Boris Groys, “Comrades of Time”, e-flux Journal, What Is Contemporary Art?
Relational Aesthetics
2회 (4/17)
- Nicolas Bourriaud
3회 (4/24)
- Claire Bishop, Antagonism and Relational Aesthetics, OCTOBER 110, Fall 2004, pp. 51~79
Space, Participation
4회 (5/8)
- Celine Condorelli, Eyal Weizman, “Support, Participation, Equity”, The Violence of Participation (2007), Sternberg Press
- Andrea Phillips, “Doing democracy”, Local operations at Serpentine Gallery, may 2007
5회 (5/15)
- Hans-Ulrich Obrist, “Preface: Participation Lasts Forever”, Did Someone Say Participate?
An Atlas of Spatial Practice (2006, The MIT Press)
- Michael Hirsch, “The Space of Community: Between Culture and Politics”, Did Someone Say Participate? An Atlas of Spatial Practice (2006, The MIT Press)
6회 (5/29)
- Boris Groys, Marx After Duchamp, or The Artist’s Two Bodies, e-flux journal #19 N october 2010
- Boris Groys, The Obligation to Self-Design, e-flux journal #0
- Tom Holert, Hidden Labor and the Delight of Othersness: Design and Post-Capitalist Politics
- Boris Groys, Self-Design and Aesthetic and Responsibility
Knowledge, Community
9회 (6/19)
- Grant Kester, Dialogical Aesthetics
10회 (6/26)
- Anton Vidokle, School as Exhibition
Nikolas Hirsch, Markus Miessen, United Nation Plaza: Building Knowledge
- Tom Holert, Art in the Knowledge based Polis, e-flux journal #3 february 2009