BookonBook Series
Artist's Zine by Namoo Kim
Publication Date: March, 2011
Concept and design: Namoo Kim
Format: 148 x 210 mm, 48 pages, saddle stapler
8,000 KRW / Add to Cart
‹이 책에는 글자가 없습니다›는 책이라는 매체의 역설을 보여주기 위해 제작된 책이다. 이 프로젝트는 텍스트와 그것을 읽는 행위, 그리고 독자와 텍스트의 인터페이스로서의 책의 관계를 역설적으로 탐구한다. 따라서, 이 책의 텍스트는 형태와 의미의 역설을 함께 표현하기 위해 제작된 ‘불가능한 활자’로 조판 되었다. 로저 펜로즈의 펜로즈 삼각형 (불가능한 삼각형) 또는 M.C.에셔의 드로잉으로 표현된 거짓말쟁이의 역설을 담고 있는 책을 상상해 보라. 아마도 다음번 책의 제목은 ‹이 책에는 ‹이 책에는 글자가 없습니다››가 될 것이다.
This book contains no letters is a book designed in order to show paradox through the book as medium. Through this paradox, this particular project explores the relationship between text, the reading of text, and a book as interface between readers and text. That said, this book is typeset in a typeface called ‘Impossible Type’ which was designed with the aim of representing formal and contextual paradox simultaneously. Simply imagine a book containing the liar’s paradox illustrated with Roger Penrose’s Penrose Triangle (also known as the Impossible Triangle) or the drawings of M.C. Escher. The title of the next book would thus be This book contains "This book contains no letters."
Namoo Kim was born in Seoul, Korea. He studied visual communication design and user interface design at Handong Global University in Pohang, Korea, and earned his BA & BE degree. After graduation, he worked at several different design studios for three years, and performed an internship at LUST, Den Haag, NL. Currently, he is working on MFA degree in Graphic Design at RISD, RI, US.
Artist's Zine by Namoo Kim
Publication Date: March, 2011
Concept and design: Namoo Kim
Format: 148 x 210 mm, 48 pages, saddle stapler
8,000 KRW / Add to Cart
‹이 책에는 글자가 없습니다›는 책이라는 매체의 역설을 보여주기 위해 제작된 책이다. 이 프로젝트는 텍스트와 그것을 읽는 행위, 그리고 독자와 텍스트의 인터페이스로서의 책의 관계를 역설적으로 탐구한다. 따라서, 이 책의 텍스트는 형태와 의미의 역설을 함께 표현하기 위해 제작된 ‘불가능한 활자’로 조판 되었다. 로저 펜로즈의 펜로즈 삼각형 (불가능한 삼각형) 또는 M.C.에셔의 드로잉으로 표현된 거짓말쟁이의 역설을 담고 있는 책을 상상해 보라. 아마도 다음번 책의 제목은 ‹이 책에는 ‹이 책에는 글자가 없습니다››가 될 것이다.
This book contains no letters is a book designed in order to show paradox through the book as medium. Through this paradox, this particular project explores the relationship between text, the reading of text, and a book as interface between readers and text. That said, this book is typeset in a typeface called ‘Impossible Type’ which was designed with the aim of representing formal and contextual paradox simultaneously. Simply imagine a book containing the liar’s paradox illustrated with Roger Penrose’s Penrose Triangle (also known as the Impossible Triangle) or the drawings of M.C. Escher. The title of the next book would thus be This book contains "This book contains no letters."
Namoo Kim was born in Seoul, Korea. He studied visual communication design and user interface design at Handong Global University in Pohang, Korea, and earned his BA & BE degree. After graduation, he worked at several different design studios for three years, and performed an internship at LUST, Den Haag, NL. Currently, he is working on MFA degree in Graphic Design at RISD, RI, US.